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Comment les éditeurs profitent de nos services pour les bibliothèques :

En tant que fournisseur pour bibliothèques opérant à l'échelle internationale, nous sommes depuis 1981 un fournisseur fiable et compétent pour les bibliothèques scientifiques européennes pour:

  • Littérature scientifique de l’Allemagne et de l'étranger
  • Livres numériques et bases de données
  • Suites et séries
  • Livres d'occasion / anciens et littérature grise
  • Médias d'information issus de tous les domaines spécialisés
En nous focalisant sur le suivi individuel, nous sommes devenus au cours des 30 dernières années un spécialiste performant en matière de services pour les bibliothèques.
La collaboration que nous entretenons avec nos partenaires et les échanges intensifs et réguliers avec les maisons d'édition constituent ici un élément important.

Ebook Portal
The research platform for acquisitions.

Video Kurzer Einblick
A sneak peek (ca. 1 minute).

dreierASPECTUS, our powerful user platform developed in-house, stands for comprehensive transparency.

Our proprietary interface reliably imports publisher data daily that isn't available via conventional data suppliers (VLB, Nielsen, etc.), such as all information on e-book campus licenses/pricing and models.

Our customers benefit from the way we link electronic and print editions and receive comprehensive information that informs their purchasing decisions:

  • All pricing (Print, ebook via publisher platforms, ebooks via ProQuest Ebook Central™)
  • Minimum conditions for Pick & Choose purchases
  • DRM information
  • Subject package affiliations
  • DOI information
  • Open Access notifications
Be sure to provide us with information about your ebook models and send us your ebook title lists including campus prices and package information on a regular basis. :

Please feel free to reach out to us:

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Our ebook portal provides our library clients with all relevant information on ebook acquisition.

Our portal allows customers to navigate the individual ebook models of over 300 publishers and download up-to-date title and package lists on demand.

We drive visibility:

  • Your Pick & Choose models including title lists for download
  • Your subject package models including package lists for download
  • Your EBA model
  • Your textbook model
  • Your Open-Access monographs
  • Your sale items and syndicated offers
Provide us with comprehensive information on your electronic media sales concept to quickly and conveniently increase your visibility:  666C6F7269616E2E746865697373656E40646965746D61726472656965722E6465666C6F7269616E2E746865697373656E40646965746D61726472656965722E6465

Subject specific
new releases service

for print and ebooks

Do you report your titles to VLB, Zeitfracht, Libri or Nielsen? Do you provide your titles with the necessary classification THEMA or BIC? Doing so ensures your titles will be suggested for purchase to the responsible decision-makers in all libraries in DACH, France, Belgium and other European countries!

Many subject librarians and acquisition librarians use the Dietmar Dreier New Releases Service as a tool to select new titles. Tailored to the subject and the profile, title lists with new publications from the entire German-speaking and Anglo-American countries are made available on a regular basis.

Our subject-specific new publication service is so popular because it's part of our powerful user platform threeASPECTUS and can be integrated into all automated acquisition processes.



Take advantage of our contacts to the acquisition departments and decision-makers of European libraries that we've been cultivating for decades! Design exciting marketing campaigns together with us:

• Product-specific marketing
• Subject-specific marketing
• Topic-specific marketing
• Targeted, client-specific marketing
• Single marketing – publisher-specific marketing
• DEBI Service – Dietmar Dreier Ebook Info Service: our monthly newsletter on new publisher products, industry news and much more.
 • Collaborative webinars and video conferences with libraries

In addition, all print and ebook offers as well as corresponding title lists can be accessed by our customers at any time on threeASPECTUS.

Please feel free to contact us:  
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